Mejor Wellness Clinic / Best Wellness Clinic
Este reconocimiento lo recibe Wellness Clinic:
La atención se centra, por supuesto, en los servicios médicos, pero también en la nutrición saludable, la medicina preventiva, la salud emocional, el equilibrio interior, la forma física y un estilo de vida saludable de muy alto nivel. El envejecimiento saludable no es sólo un eslogan, sino tal vez el programa de los resort. La estancia en un resort de este tipo suele ser de varios días. El personal debe tener formación médica. Desarrollan programas individuales para cada huésped sobre la base de una anamnesis previa. Se crea una marca innovadora que aplica los más altos estándares de calidad. También se utiliza tecnología moderna para apoyar la terapia. Cada vez son más las clínicas de salud o balneario que cumplen con esta norma y que deberían animarse a registrarse.
También se realizan trabajos científicos y se aplica la medicina basada en la evidencia. El personal es competente y está bien formado para ofrecer un muy buen servicio para dar de alta al huésped en salud vital de forma sostenible.
focus on medical services
employs medically-trained personnel
develop an individual program for each guest, taking medical history into account
create an innovative brand; implement standards of utmost quality.
present guests with a holistic health approach, which includes treatments to all senses: body, mind, and soul.
offer high quality treatments in the areas of fitness, exercise, nutrition, beauty, physical therapy (message, yoga, etc.) as well as relaxation therapy (autogenic training, meditation, etc.)
have unique Signature Treatments with a special phenotype that may also be enriched with regional products and elements.
use water also to contribute to healing and relaxing treatments.
not only have thermal water available but also offer at least two thermal water treatments under medical supervision.
obtain and implement customer feedback in its therapies.
Design Quality [Design & Architecture]
put innovative architectural concepts into practice.
exhibit extraordinary interior design.
achieve high technical standards. (swimming pool equipment, hygienic technology, internet technology, etc.) These standards should form a brand that gives the industry a new impetus.
Leisure Quality [Service & Products]
provide a comprehensive training or apprentice program for their employees so as to set specific standards.
employ well-trained staff, who are given ongoing training, both in areas of service and technical matters.
facilitate apprenticeship and professional training.
develop systematic quality standards that go beyond the normal product training, for the purpose of training qualified staff and also ensuring that new professionals gain attractive job experiences.
Innovation Quality [Concept]
continual advancement in principles of health, marketing, sales, etc.
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