European HEALTH & SPA AWARD 2024
La gala del premio se celebrará probablemente en Austria en junio 2024!
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European Health & Spa (Sustainable) Quality (EHSQ) Certificate
The EHSQ umbrella brand includes various certifiable quality seals that apply to different sub-markets in the health, medical, tourism and hotel sectors.
1. EHSQ Spa with focus on the tourism wellness and spa industry.
2. EHSQ Wellness Clinic with a focus on
1. EHSQ Spa (Sustainable) Certificate – A quality certificate for the spa and wellness industry
Many people wonder what benefits can be taken from the quality management EHSQ (European Health & Spa (Sustainable) Quality). Scientific research in economics and management shows that quality work is not always beneficial for a company, but it can be beneficial if it is done in a right way. We would therefore like to give you a few reasons under which circumstances a quality management certificate makes sense. We derive this knowledge from ten years quality management and certification based on the experience taken from the “European Health & Spa Awards”.
You like to know more? Just click on the link.
2. Wellness Clinic Certificate
Successful certification according to EHSQ Wellness Clinic does not replace recognition as a hospital (hospitals of all kinds), it is regarded as an additional certificate for special services with a view to national and international medical and health tourism that places special emphasis on attention, service quality, high-quality buildings and technology as well as outstanding medical quality in the treatment of guests and their fellow travellers.
You like to know more? Just click on the link.
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