European HEALTH & SPA AWARD 2024
The closing gala will take place in June in Austria!
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The competition for the European SPA & HEALTH AWARD is open to all companies that comply with the given categories and submit valid entries.
Submission and nomination is open to all companies with operations in spa wellness facilities, beauty salons, companies licensed to market health and spa innovations which are in agreement with the context of the defined criteria (see CATEGORIES / CRITERIA). Or treatments and products they already are offered in spas. For the anonymous test we also have to do we need a voucher from you.
Participation is also open to all professional companies whose headquarters are in Europe. Only one (1) submission is allowed per category and company. (Spa Manager, Spas, Spa Innovation, Treatment and Product Innovation)
No recourse to legal action is permitted. The Jury and the Agency for Health & Wellness reserves the right to modify or reject submissions. By entering a written entry (submitting the documents online, via fax or by post maybe by e-mail) the submitter or sender attests to the completeness and verifiability of the information.
The winners will receive also a voucher. The Agency for Health & Wellness reserves however in special cases the right without giving reasons to withdraw the voucher service.
It is a registration fee of 290 EUR excl. VAT for the organizational effort to pay once you have registered for each category you apply.
Spa manager are exempt from the registration fee in the category "Best Spa Manager" they only pay if they do not submit a valid submission on time.
You can also book a short or detailed feedback to find out more after your submission, where the strengths and weaknesses were. We recommend this however it is not mandatory.
The participants agree, if they are nominated, to send to the award Gala a person or representative. If no one attend an organizational fee of 350 EUR excl. VAT is payable.
Only in case you emerge as the winner in a category you have to pay just after the gala a fee of 250,- Eur excl. VAT for the trophy and the preparation of the certificate etc. and for the second and third places 150,- Eur excl. VAT!
The comprehensive questionnaire, which is an extremely important basis of evaluation, must be filled in almost completely and a mystery test needs to be performed!
It is necessary to provide a voucher, which may have no constraints of time and covers the entire cost of the test for the mystery check!
Attention! If an agency applies for a company it is necessary to have a certification. To verify that the agency has permission to apply for them.
As direct contact with the jury is forbidden, any possibility of lobbying efforts is eliminated. (There may be special circumstances in which exceptions will be allowed).
General information for registration and submission
Each company and participant, who registers, agrees at the time of registration to take part in the submission. We point out that the participation at this time is not free of charge.
If there is a cancellation of the registration, the submission is incorrectly filled or an exclusion by the Agency for Health & Wellness the amount of EUR 290 excl. 20% VAT for each registered category will be automatically charged by the Agency for Health & Wellness for various costs incurred. Just in case if the cancellation or an exclusion by the Agency only takes place after the anonymous test EUR 500 excl. 20% VAT must be paid. May also accrue damage for the Agency for Health & Wellness the amount can be also higher according to the actual amount of the loss.
The same amount will be charged if the information supplied is found by an anonymous audit to be different from the actual circumstances or fraudulent, since this would result in a deception of the jury and the actual assessment of value cannot be guaranteed in a fair manner among the other participants.
The submission form, which is an extremely important basis of evaluation, must be filled out completely at least 95% of all questions! Documents, instruments or other materials supplied for the submission cannot be returned for organizational reasons they remain at the agency for health & wellness.
Reading this, you automatically agree to the above mentioned conditions at the time of participation.
The place of jurisdiction is Vienna in Austria.
Please tell us your favorite SPAs, SPA Manager, Treatments or Product Innovations from our defined categories!
Send us your opinion.
If you like to become a SPA tester please send us your detailed qualifications.